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Newbuildings Primary School, Londonderry
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Newbuildings vs Faughanvale 26/10/17

27th Oct 2017

The match kicked of at 2:45 and was on the 26/10/2017. Newbuildings started of strongly with a couple of shots early on. Then the ball broke to Charlie Simpson,who played a great ball through to Sam Mclintock. Sam skillfully rounded the keeper before slotting the ball home to make it 1 - 0 to Newbuildings. Man of the match was Cameron Kennedy who kept Newbuildings in the game with several fine saves keeping Newbuildings 1up at half time.

Faughanvale improved in the second half but some great defending by Newbuildings that kept it 1 up.

A goal line clearance by Jayden Carruthers lead to a great counter attack that Set Sam mclintock away down the right wing.He beat the defender crossing the ball into Kyle Riddles who slotted home. The final whistle blew and that was Newbuildings first win of the season.The game ended at 2nil to Newbuildings and we were all celebrating our great win.       By Sam Stott.